Let’s Go to Paris!

May 22, 2014 0 By Brian
Let’s Go to Paris!

51PEqA3mtwL._SL300_Sound the trumpets and bang the drums, Glen & Tyler’s Paris Double-Cross is now on sale on Audible and Amazon!

Glen and Tyler are young, in love, and the wealthiest human beings on the planet. But when Glen’s brother calls from a jail in Paris – you guessed it – they’re off to France to tangle with spies, neo-Nazis, evil world-spanning conspiracies, and French gangsters. Plus they have a romantic dinner, and find long-lost treasure. Really, it’s a fun-filled, nonstop romp. In this third installment of the Glen and Tyler series, we meet up with our heroes a couple of years after their Scottish Troubles, a little more world-weary, a little wiser, and no less sarcastic.

If you enjoyed books 1 and 2, be sure to check out this latest installment.

Glen & Tyler's Paris Double-cross (Glen & Tyler #3)