I love Podiobooks, don’t get me wrong, but there’s just something about professional audiobooks that are really top-shelf. Case in point, “A Princess of Landover” by Terry Brooks. I’ve been away from the Landover series for awhile and this book is about two years old, but I’m falling right back in where I left off.
- Brooks has done an excellent job on the exposition. Normally, this stuff annoys me, but I really do need it this time and he’s easing me back in.
- Dick Hill’s reading is fantastic. So “storyteller”-like that it draws you in quickly and leaves you enjoying every phrase.
I’m only on Disc 2, so I’m just getting underway, but I forget the polish and professionalism that is commercial audiobooks.
Again, still love Podiobooks, but we have a ways to go before we match some of the professional folks.
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