Author: Brian

Murder Times Six Audiobook

By Brian

Like True Crime audiobooks? Like Canada? Or just like my narrations?

Check out my latest audiobook narration, Murder Times Six: The True Story of the Wells Gray Park Murders by Alan R. Warren.

The Laconic Lumberjack

By Brian

Another audiobook?! Why yes. This week, we’re dropping Book Four of the Nick Williams Mysteries, The Laconic Lumberjack. Thursday, July…

Finkler by Dan Allen

By Brian

It’s always fun narrating for Tales to Terrify, but Finkler was a treat. I got to use several Southern accents…

Ice in the Dark

By Brian

Another narration for StarShipSofa! This one is a terrifying Sci-Fi tale of a lost squad on an unforgiving planet written by Joachim Heijndermans. It’s told in epistolary format, which I’m a sucker for.

Instrument of War

By Brian

Another great short story for StarShipSofa. This one is a dark, haunting piece by Andrew Reichard entitled Instrument of War. Take a listen to the episode for free, right now.